Ad Astra for Ukranians
Ad Astra organizes a multitude of different events and activities to support communities of Ukrainian refugees in the capital region of Uusimaa.
"Ukrainian Sundays" - festivals of Ukrainian culture, "Hey-Hey" - international networking for Ukrainian creators engaged in children's culture, "Art Course for Youth" - drawing course for creative youth, interesting art master classes, concerts, performances, Summer Creative Camp for Ukrainian children, Days of Ukrainian cuisine, as well as unique audio stories from Ad Astra in Ukrainian.
Ukrainian artist, Kateryna Harahulia, is the leader of the "Ad Astra for Ukrainians" programs.
Activities and Networks
Learn more about our events and find wonderful opportunities for you and your family!
Art Course for Ukrainian Youth
The group meets once a week around Helsinki to create, inspire, and learn about different art methods and theories. The course is free and led by artist Kateryna Harahulia. We welcome all Ukrainian youth and other youth 13-19 years old..
Ukrainan Sundays
We dedicate one Sunday every month to celebrating Ukrainian culture. The events are open for all ages and hosted at Luckan in the centre of Helsinki in Ukrainan.
Hey-Hey artist network
International networking for Ukrainian creators engaged in children's culture. More information coming soon!
Contact us